PRE-COMMENT: HUD Program Updates

Partners for Rural Transformation (PRT) applauds the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) proposed rule to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the Indian Community Development Block Grant, and related Section 108 loan guarantee program regulations. These revisions represent a crucial and long-overdue step towards truly fostering inclusive growth and boldly addressing longstanding disparities in economic opportunity in rural America, particularly in persistently poor communities.

PRT has interminably advocated for the infusion of flexible capital in rural areas. We adamantly believe that the proposed rule, which allocates HUD resources more effectively, substantially expands the flexibility of grants, and significantly reduces barriers to access, is absolutely necessary to ignite economic growth in rural America.

Check out our blog’s website to read PRT’s entire comment. We urge our stakeholders to share our upcoming full comment. Together, we can advocate for the proposed rule to advance economic justice, empower communities, and build more equitable futures across rural America.

Stay tuned for our full comment on Wednesday, March 13th!

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